Sunday, November 9, 2008

tips to save your adsense account

Majority of hubbers, bloggers, individual and business sites participate in affiliate programs to show ads of one or another company and earn money through these orograms. It takes lot of time and efforts to make their sites visible. Earning through affiliate programs also take considerable time in the begining. Monopoly of few of the firms in the field of advertising has made it so difficult for the publishers that even if they follow the terms and conditions honestly, their membership and account are always at the risks of being disabled. Once your account is disabled, your appeals falls on deaf ears and almost 0% chances exist for being reinstated. Not only you loose your account but you loose your earned money too. Hence, it becomes important to know how you can save your account from getting disabled.The most important question that comes to mind is whether one can save one's account if it belongs to google adsense by following policies of google adsense. The answer, I got browsing hundreds of sites, is simply no. One you loose your account, there is rare chances of getting reinstated. Anyways, its better to know the actions that can result in violation of adsense policies that may result in disabling of your account.

Clicks: The following type of clicks are treated as invalid clicks:

  • repeated manual clicks
  • impressions, using robots, automated click and impression generating tools,
  • clicks or impressions generated through third-party services such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, autosurf, and click-exchange programs, or any deceptive software.
  • clicking on your own ads
  • clicks generated by encouraging users to click the Google ads
  • attract users to click using arrows or other graphical gimmicks

Following practices are considered illegal:

  • placing misleading images alongside individual ads
  • sites promoted for displaying ads through unsolicited mass emails
  • unwanted advertisements on third-party websites
  • May not compensate users for viewing ads or performing searches, or
  • promise for compensation to a third party for such behavior
  • placement of misleading labels above Google ad units such as "Favorite Sites"

The following content is considered against the adsense policies:

  • violent content, racial intolerance, or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization, Pornography, adult, or mature conten, hacking/cracking content, illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia, excessive profanity, gambling/casino-related content, Deceptive or manipulative content to improve site's search engine ranking, content regarding programs which compensate users for clicking on ads, Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of web pages, weapons or ammunition, beer/hard alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, replicas or imitations of designer goods, distribution of term papers or student essays, illegal content that promotes illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others, web pages having content protected by copyright law without necessary legal rights to display that content.

Ad displayed on your webpages must not cross these limits:

  • three ad units on each page.
  • two Google AdSense for search boxes on a page.
  • three link units on each page.
  • three referral units on a page, in addition to the ad units, search boxes, and link units specified above.
  • AdSense for search results pages may show only a single ad link unit in addition to the ads Google serves with the search results. No other ads may be displayed on your search results page.


As soon as you join as a adsense publisher, add your sites in the "My Allowed Sites " list. Another precaution to take is to include yourself in "Publishers White List".

Can you prevent your account from being disabled?

Its not only difficult but impossible task as you have no control over invalid clicks. If you have made enough enemies, there are chances that your enemies may repeatedly click google adsense ads displayed on your webpage. You are helpless you can't do anything in this regard.

What happens if someone steals your publisher Id and pastes it on an adult webpage and then himself reports it to the adsense support team? Result: You simply receive a warning mail from google. You inform adsense support about yours being innocent. As soon as your mail is received by adsense support team, you receive next mail from adsense informing that your account is disabled.

Some disturbing & annoying facts:

Why adsense publishers are being attacked suddenly? Are they really being attacked by spammers andsick people or it's a great organized conspiracy?

Why most of the objectionable sites displaying stolen adsense publisher ID's are being published on Blogger (, a site owned by google? If google is just interested to display ads on clean sites, why they are displaying ads like wife sharing?Look at the google ad shown in side bar. Click to have interesting discussion.......

Why adsense accounts of those new and individual hubbers/bloggers just received their first earnings are being disabled?

Why earnings of these bloggers (disabled accounts) are being seized by adsense without verifying the facts? Usually adsense accounts disabled for reasons other than invalid clicks are paid their remaining earnings but earnings of accounts being disabled recently are not dispatched to the publishers. Just imagine $100 X 10000?

Why google experts are not trying to verify facts?

Why google is advertising in adsense help forum that publisher ID's are being stolen and pasted on objectionable sites? If google is aware, why don't google expert's try to confirm who's the owner of adult site, how long the site has been on web and why the publishers account disabled instead of stopping ad display on such a site?

Google is financially very strong and we hope this company remains untouched by current crisis and tries to find out the facts and save its publishers from harrassment. Publishers can understand that this is a crisis and can bear with low earnings. However, they will develop a hatred towards a good company if their accounts are disabled without explaining the reasons.

* Source:; To read more about the alternatives listed above please click this link

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